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Accessories for
Blood Pressure
Calibration Set for HDU-PRH15
Calibration set
according to EN1060.
The HDU-PRH15 sensor
features highly accurate, very high resolution, pressure measurement. This high level of accuracy allows devices to be calibrated in accordance with the EN1060 standard.
The calibration set allows the user to
calibrate blood pressure measuring devices via the HDU-PRH15 sensor.
For the mechanical standard interface of the HDU-Sensors different
adapter are available.
Flow Through
adapter with
Quick-disconnect coupling
This flow through
adapter allows the user to connect the sensors into a flow stream.
With an additional adapter the user may also take samples of the fluid.
Article No: 31.0491.00
See the Quick-disconnect coupling below:
measurement with Fresenius Dialysis Machines
This adapter is available for pressure measurement with Fresenius Dialysis Machines.